What is MyLayers?
MyLayers can be used to upload .kml or shapefiles to LandGate! Users can also draw their own custom layers and download the data for offline use.
Once a layer is added to MyLayers, users can search for parcels in PowerCRM.
Import a .SHP or .KML file
Open MyLayers and click the ➕ sign
Select the 'Upload Layer' icon
Browse to the file you want to upload
After uploading you can..
Change the layer name
Add a description
Adjust the symbology
Draw a Layer
Open MyLayers and click the ➕ sign
Scroll down to the next ➕ sign that says 'Add Geometry' when hovering over it
At the top of the map, select whether you want to draw a polygon, square, circle, or rectangle
After drawing a feature you can..
Edit the vertices
Move it
Change the symbology
Share MyLayer
Select a layer and click 'Share Layer'
Type in the user or group you want to share to
Click 'Share' next to the user or group name