Customize Reports
You can get to the editing tools by either exporting a PowerCrm report or Property Report
Customize Report - Property Report Generation
Selecting the checkboxes will result in the corresponding resource pages being printed in the report. If you do not require a particular resource, simply uncheck the box
Company Logos
Upload your own Logo(s) to be displayed at the top of the report
.jpg or .png file
**If no logo is uploaded, a LandGate logo will be in place**
Click on Company Logos
Select Upload Company Logo
In the file upload window, browse to the location on your computer where the file is stored
Select the file you want to upload then click the Open button
After uploading your logo, you can utilize your logo in the report
Click on checkbox to select your uploaded file to use in the report
Create a Biography(s) to be displayed on Page 2 of the report
This section can be used to tell a Landowner about who you are and what services you provide
.jpg or .png file
**If no Biography is created, this page will be removed from the report**
Click on Biography
**For a biography section to show up in the report a 'Personal Picture' must be uploaded**
Click on Upload Personal Picture
In the file upload window, browse to the location on your computer where the file is stored
Select the file you want to upload then click the Open button
The uploaded personal picture will populate in an editor mode
Crop and size your picture to fit within the dotted boundary on the left and view a preview of adjustments on the right
Click and drag the corner points or midpoints to adjust
Once adjusted to desired view, click on Upload Image
The uploaded logo will populate under the Uploads: section
Click on Preview to view your uploaded file
After uploading your personal picture, you can utilize your picture in the report
Click on checkbox to select your uploaded file for use in the report
After uploading your personal picture, update the other Biography fields with your information
Once updated, click on Update Biography
View Report
See the report in a web-based format
Generate Report
Export the report in .pdf format